
About Us

The Cranford Unity Project is a grassroots community initiative that was formed to increase inclusivity and diversity in the town of Cranford, New Jersey.

The organizers of the group are Cranford residents who came together because of a shared passion for inciting positive change in our community. We were moved by the stories of our neighbors and their enthusiasm for joining this cause. Our commitment is to amplify the voices of and to promote equity and safe spaces for People of Color, LGBTQ+, religious and other marginalized groups through community and school education, work with the local public service groups and community development.

Learn more about CIP’s structure and goals.

Our Work So Far

  • Successfully advocated for first-ever Township Juneteenth proclamation

  • Launched “Me and White Supremacy” book discussion circles within Cranford Rising

  • Met with the library director and Downtown Management Corporation to discuss joint efforts moving forward

  • Learning from organizations in neighboring towns who have successfully executed similar programs

  • Met with Mayor Giblin and Deputy Mayor Prunty to advocate for a formal township structure 

  • Letter to Dr. Rubin about teacher retirements encouraging diversity in hiring

  • “Akeelah and the Bee” drive-in fundraiser on 8/26-raised money for anti-racism resources at the library

  • Organized 10/4 Memorial Reflection Walk for victims of racist violence

  • Developed 11/8 online speaker panel on “Talking to Your Kids About Race”

  • Initiated wear purple for Spirit Day to support LGBTQ+ Youth in the schools

  • Regular info sessions to introduce interested residents to the group and our work